I love the diversity, energy, history... everything about The City of Brotherly Love! My friend Natasha and I went down for a short over-nighter last weekend. She had never been to Philly so I got to be a tour guide (with a handy list of must-see places from Reggie). Most of the places I had seen, but there were a few new stops. Either way, it was a wonderful trip!
This was the view from our hotel room at The Lowes Hotel. We were on the 31st floor! Great job Natasha on hotel arrangements :)
After throwing our stuff into the hotel we decided we wanted the notirous Philly Cheese Steak from Genos Steaks right away... we just couldn't wait! Apparently neither could everyone else. The line was crazy! Like, 45 minutes crazy...
Pat's Steaks right accross the street from Genos. I have had Pat's before, and I acutally think I like them more (by a very small margin). Pat's meat is shredded vs. the sliced meat of Genos. Although, Genos did have AMAZING Cheese fries!
Natasha enjoying her first "authentic" Philly Cheese Steak.
We continued on our walk to China Town and passed several cool little parks.
We stopped in Old City for a couple pictures.
Such a beauty, this one!
Philadelphia Downtown to the right, some awesome and modern looking condos to the left.
The weather was 70 degrees! So happy!!
A little panorama action :)
Back in the hotel resting our feet we discovered every floor of The Lowes Hotel has an awesome sitting room, library, and free fruit baskets. Natasha was head over heels with delight that they had her favorite - green apples! Hey, it's the little things in life :)
In action
The view right before heading out to experience the night life.
Because Natasha is a photog I actually have a few photos of myself for once. Could it be?!
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