I must apologize.
This blog has been dead silent for the last... ohhhh... too long.
Back in December I finally did something I've wanted to do for years and years:
Back in December I finally did something I've wanted to do for years and years:
Purchase my first home.
It was a long, grueling, exhausting process that took well over a year to make happen.
Thankfully I had a very patient real estate agent to deal with my impatience...
Thankfully I had a very patient real estate agent to deal with my impatience...
and occasional mood swings :)
I won't bore you with details, I'll just say that it wasn't fun.
I won't bore you with details, I'll just say that it wasn't fun.
To get what I wanted, in the neighborhood I wanted, I bought a fixer-upper.
Since December I have been knee and elbow deep in home renovations.
Tearing down old wallpaper, painting almost every room in the house, knocking down walls,
ripping out some grimy old carpet (even, I kid you not, some terrible shades of green, blue, and pink),
ripping out some grimy old carpet (even, I kid you not, some terrible shades of green, blue, and pink),
laying new flooring, sanding, scraping, blood, sweat, laughter, and tears...!
Pfew! You get the idea.
1) I have two of the greatest parents ever and I'm living with them during the week
and at the new house during the weekends while renovations take place.
2) I have a fantastic family, friends, and boyfriend who have been lending a hand in reno work.
3) I closed during the photography off-season so that all of this could actually happen.
Which brings me to the photos, ah yes, the photos.
They'll be back very soon.
I shot my first session in a few months a couple of weeks ago
and had so much fun with an incredible family.
and had so much fun with an incredible family.
Sessions are booked through April, and I'm thinking of some Spring Mini-Sessions in May...
Definately let me know if you're interested as
interest will dictate if Spring Mini-Sessions take place this year.
Definately let me know if you're interested as
interest will dictate if Spring Mini-Sessions take place this year.
The goals in the coming weeks are to:
1) "Finish" the house to a liveable state.
2) Get some stinkin' cable and internet up in there!!
3) Move in.
4) Continue living and loving this life.
I'll wrap up this very long post by saying something I have been saying a lot lately:
nothing worth doing is ever easy.
nothing worth doing is ever easy.
Of course, no post is complete without photos.
Please forgive the quality, photos were all taken with the iPhone.
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