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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Website Revamp!

I have a few big announcements for my little photography business! Today I revamped the website by giving it a new layout. There are new pages with slide shows to showcase engagement, portrait, event and pet photos. I L-O-V-E the format - BIG bold pictures! I also incorporated a clients page where all the photos will be available for puchase.

Second announcement! By the end of the month I hope to include a free backgrounds page to my website. The images will be formatted to fit different screen sizes and you will be able to download them for free! I'll be doing a lot of landscape photography to help add to this section of my website and will update the BLOG when new wallpapers are added to the website.

Looking forward to things to come!

Because a blog post wouldn't be complete without a picture:

Have a GREAT Labor Day Weekend everyone!

Special thanks to Pat for being a great brother and helping to incorporate some new ideas!

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